Rise Up Central Kansas Meeting Date: May 17, 2023, from noon to 1 p.m.
In attendance - Tyler, Amy, Vicki, Rachel, Sharr, Roberto & Vanessa
Meeting Agenda
Resilience: an adaptation in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or stress. Resilience is what gives people the psychological strength to cope with stress and hardship. It is the mental reservoir of strength that people can call on in times of need to carry them through without falling apart. Resilience is not a trait that people have. It involves behaviors, thoughts and actions that can be learned and developed by anyone.
Item | Time | Lead | Expected Action | Minutes |
Prevention | 5 minutes | Tyler | Update | YC may scavenger hunt in Ellinwood today. Great Bend had 23 kids two weeks ago. 6-8 kids maybe show in Ellinwood. Beginning June 5th, end of year celebrate two years program. Food and fun. Salina Y-link conference June14th. Donations for school bus fund. July 16th -20th Dallas conference 6-7 possible kids. Applications to see who can go. Three youth crew meetings a month Wednesday. Scavenger Hunt May 3, 2023. CKP Youth Crew presented on radio, May 23rd mental health awareness day. Salina Ylink conference June 14th. Collaboration May 13th Zero Reasons Why. July 16-20 Dallas CADCA conference applications to see who can go. 6-7 possible kids can go. |
Intervention | 5 minutes | Amy | Suggestions | Mental health May 23rd hand out resources guides. Refreshments. Cornhole stuff from chapter 16 oxford. Baby shower June 15th 4pm-7pm going to give baby sunblock and gift baskets from rise up. And we are going to give information on why its important to put sunblock on their babies. Need to get a canopy and a banner that say rise up. Chapter 16 oxford bingo fundraiser May 27th 5:30-9pm guest speaker Kaddy stevens and lots of raffle prizes. Chapter 16 oxford softball June 17th.June 17th Softball tournament in Wichita. Serenity Way, Barton House, Hope Central, Deliverance May 6th 11-4 Discussed HPV and DEC |
Resilience | 5 minutes | Vicki | Update | CRTC girls home and 13 staff helped. Amy will set up with community corrections. Vanessa is going to get dates set up with oxford houses in June. DEC conference aug 31st |
Community Events | 5 minutes | All | Report | Community June jaunt June 3rd Community baby shower June 15th Community oxford fundraiser May 27th Community mental health May 23rd Santa fe trail days May 26th- 28th My backyard family event June 9th |
Partner Updates | 5 minutes | All | Update | Updated above |
Resource Coordinator Update | 5 minutes | Amy | Update | Still having mobile meetings and discussing HPV and covid. Still connecting people with resources. No Rise up on May 31st |
Closing Questions/Challenge | ​ | ​ | ​ | ​ |